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Dealing with 2D numerical data

January 22nd, 2019

Data Science: Techniques and Applications (DSTA)

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Plan for the lab

  • Background discussion.

  • Exercise-1: Calculate a centered data matrix.

  • Exercise-2: Plot histograms.

  • Exercise-3: Scatter plot.

  • Discussion related to wine dataset and pandas.

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The iris data-set

peek into iris.csv

  • Has three classes: Setosa, Versicolor and Virginica.
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Loading the Iris dataset

  • The Iris dataset normally comes as a comma-separated csv file.

  • one specimen per row

  • Each row has values of sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width.

  • Use built-in csv function to create numpy array that can be iterated.

  • Convert (cast) class column to represent integers instead of strings.

import csv
FILE = 'iris.csv'
with open(FILE, 'r') as mycsvfile:
dataset = csv.reader(mycsvfile, delimiter='.', quotechar='"')
for row in dataset:
#py 2: print ', '.join(row)
#py 3:
print(row, sep=',')
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Interest for Data Science

  • given the annotated dataset, can we measure differences in average measures?

. . .

  • can difference in size become a classifier?

. . .

Please see the Kaggle notebook


  • Develop your solution for measuring
  • mean of the dataset and

  • variance in each dimension.

How are they defined on multi-dimensional data?

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Background: Dot product

Dot product

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Background: Norm


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Centered data matrix


Centered data matrix

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with Numpy

import numpy as np
data = np.arange(6).reshape((3,2))
print(np.average(data, axis=1))
print(np.average(data, axis=0))
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Centering the dataset

Centered data matrix

Exercise 1

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  • A graph consisting of rectangles whose area is proportional to the frequency of a feature and whose width is equal to the class interval denoted as bins.


  • A 2D visualization of datapoints against Cartesian coordinates.

  • Normally, the measured variable is on the x-axis.

  • if time is available then it is always on the x-axis.

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A plot function in python

def histogram_sepal_width(data):
# create an empty figure object
fig = plt.figure()
# create a single axis on that figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# todo: histogram the data and label the axes
ax.set_xlabel("Change me please")
ax.set_ylabel("Change me please")
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Visualization exercise:

Exercise 2

  • Plot a histogram of the sepal width column.

Exercise 3

  • Scatter-plot Sepal length Vs. Sepal width
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Try at home

  • Can you reproduce these visualizations?

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Plan for the lab

  • Background discussion.

  • Exercise-1: Calculate a centered data matrix.

  • Exercise-2: Plot histograms.

  • Exercise-3: Scatter plot.

  • Discussion related to wine dataset and pandas.

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