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Exercise on Wine data-set

[email protected]

Data Science: Techniques and Applications (DSTA)

January 29th, 2020

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Wine Review Dataset

  • The dataset can be found from this link

  • It has 130k wine reviews with variety, location, winery, price, and description.

  • We are going to use JSON file format in this lab.

  • JSON is a text file where data is stored in nested key-value pair.

  • Much analogous to the python dictionaries.

  • JSON data can be loaded using json package.

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Exercise (15/20 minutes)

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Wine Review Dataset

  • The dataset can be found from this link

  • It has 130k wine reviews with variety, location, winery, price, and description.

  • We are going to use JSON file format in this lab.

  • JSON is a text file where data is stored in nested key-value pair.

  • Much analogous to the python dictionaries.

  • JSON data can be loaded using json package.

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