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Classification in Python: the k-NN solution

[email protected]

Data Science: Techniques and Applications (DSTA)

January 29th, 2020

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Plan of the lab experience

  • Introduction (5 min.)

  • The k-NN algorithm (5 min.)

  • Splitting a test dataset in pure Python (10 min.)

  • Code Euclidean norm in pure Python (5 min.)

  • Develop a classifier for Iris (10 min.)

  • Solution (5 min.)

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Development of a k-NN classifer in Python

  • Split the data-set into training(75%) and test(25%)

  • Run the k-NN classification algorithm

  • Plot output from the classifier

  • Find the basic machinery from iris_k-NN_base.py

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Task 1: Data-set split

def train_and_test_split(N, test_fraction=None):
#Hint:use np.random function to generate an array of True and False
inputs=np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4],[5,6]])
train_part=[True, False, True]
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KNN classification algorithm

KNN algorithm

Display from Tan et al., 2014.

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Task 2: Find distance between two vectors

def euclidean_distance(v1, v2, n):
#distance-- a scalar value of euclidian distance between two vectors
distance = 0
%%TODO: write codes to find distances between two vectors
return distance
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Task 3: Get prediction

def classify(neighbors, train_targets):
# %% Write codes to classify
#return the majority class
return predicted_class
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Actual classification Predicted classification
scatter_plot_actual_classification scatter_plot_predicted_classification
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To complete...

Use the basic entropy module seen in class to compute the quality of your solution

File entropy.py is for download from the class repository

import entropy as ent
# ...
myeta = ent.H(myclass, target)
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Plan of the lab experience

  • Introduction (5 min.)

  • The k-NN algorithm (5 min.)

  • Splitting a test dataset in pure Python (10 min.)

  • Code Euclidean norm in pure Python (5 min.)

  • Develop a classifier for Iris (10 min.)

  • Solution (5 min.)

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