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Exercise on MNIST Dataset

[email protected]

Data Science: Techniques and Applications (DSTA)

March 4th, 2020

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  • A set of 70,000 small images of handwritten digits.
  • Each image is labelled with the digit it represents.
  • This data set is often called as "hello world" of Machine Vision.

Loading the data

  • Loading the dataset using sklearn package is as simple as this:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
mnist=fetch_openml('mnist_784', version=1)
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Image display

  • We can display the image from vectors.
  • We must reshape the image vector to a matrix.
import matplotlib as mpi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X,y=mnist['data'], mnist['target']
plt.imshow(some_digit_image, cmap="binary")
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Binary classification : 5 or not 5 classifier

  • an example of one vs. rest training and evaluation

  • First divide the dataset into train and test set.

  • Then cast the labels into two classes: 5 and not 5

  • Use sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier as binary classier.

  • The module uses stochastic gradient descent to train a SVM classifier.

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test=X[:60000], X[60000:], y[:60000], y[60000:]
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
sgd_clf.fit(X_train, y_train_5)
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  • Sklearn package provides module to evaluate classifier's accuracy, precision and F-score.

  • Lets calculate the accuracy on a three-fold cross-validation.

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
cross_val_score(sgd_clf,X_train, y_train_5, cv=3, scoring="accuracy")
  • Run a dumb classifier:
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
class NeverSclassifier(BaseEstimator):
def fit(self, x, y=None):
def predict(self, X):
return np.zeros((len(X),1),dtype=bool)
cross_val_score(never_S_clf,X_train, y_train_5, cv=3, scoring="accuracy")
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The SoftMax logistic regression

We will use SoftMax regression as a multiclass classifier :

Where p(y=i|x;W) is the probability that input x is the i-th digit, i[0,9]. We can use this information for prediction by taking maximum probability:

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  • A set of 70,000 small images of handwritten digits.
  • Each image is labelled with the digit it represents.
  • This data set is often called as "hello world" of Machine Vision.

Loading the data

  • Loading the dataset using sklearn package is as simple as this:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
mnist=fetch_openml('mnist_784', version=1)
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