Class 1
January 22dn 2020
Introduced by [Shannon, 1948] in the context of information channels.
Railway engineering: to communicate n signals/commands, how many lamps/semaphors are needed?
It depends on the informative content (surprise) of the signals.
Weather forecasts for London are frequent and nuanced
Not so in Wadi Halfa, Sudan, one of the driest cities on Earth
W. in Wadi Halfa has low entropy and needs a smallish communication channel
London needs a high-capacity communication channel
The expectation to receive information
Information content:
The log-distribution of surprise
Minimal ent.: H[X]=0, the system is deterministic
Max ent.:
Data compression: we need only
How informative a dataset is?
Approximation: what is the model distribution that approximates the observed data while loosing as little information as possible?