Lecture 3 bis
Feb. 5th, 2020
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville:
Deep Learning MIT Press, 2016.
Chapter 2 of Goodfellow et al. textbook is available.
It is a refresher of notation and Linear algebra properties, no examples.
It can be read in the background of our classes.
Phase 1: read §§ 2.1—2.7, then § 2.11.
Phase 2: read §§ 2.8—2.10
We think of A as scaling space with a factor
We think of A as scaling space with a factor
For unit vectors the max (resp. min) of
Let A have n
linearly-independent e-vector
corresponding e-values
where Q is an orthogonal matrix of e-vectors and
For repeated
Singular-value decomp. generalises eigen-decomp.:
any real matrix has one
even non-square m. admit one
U is a orthogonal m. of left-singular (col.) vectors
D is a diagonal matrix of singular values
V is a orthogonal m. of right-singular (col.) vectors
Where does all this come from?
cols. of U are e-vectors of
cols. of V are e-vectors of
solve linear systems
with non-square matrices:
n >m: the problem is overconstrained (no solution?)
n < m: the problem is overparametrized (many sols.?)
Compute once, run for different __y__s.
Verification: does
for the decomposition
Yes, because U and V are s. t.