Class 6
March 4th, 2020
The study of how objects(entities) connect to each other and the properties of their connection.
Possible understanding: a relationship istance.
vertex v is adjacent to u if
neigh. of v, N(v): the set of adjacent vertices;
A path
its lenght (k+1) is the cardinatility of the path.
Two vertices are connected if
A graph is connected if all its vertices are.
Distance is the lenght of the (possibly non-unique) shortest path connecting them,
The diameter of a graph is the maximum distance between any two pairs
Average distances are also important
[…] the first world-scale social-network graph-distance computations, using the entire Facebook network of active users (~721 million users, ~69 billion friendship links). The average distance […] is 4.74, corresponding to 3.74 intermediaries or “degrees of separation.”
Path lenght: sum of the weights of the arcs.
Out-neigh. and In-neigh.
The code can be cloned from Github
Example lecture: complex networks
modeling tip: it is ok to have a special node representing “nature”
modeling tip: look for invariants
source, connect and sink.
study degree distribution
find properties of a network in terms of the degree organization
directed weighted networks
the need to represent
-sorts, and their quantitites
discover multiplex networks